Sustainability. These days, it’s a recurring thing. Chocolate, phones, banking, of all of these and more can be found in a sustainable form. Only good, of course. Who doesn’t want to improve and sustain the world for the next generation? Fabryk Design wants to do the same and do its own part to preserve and improve people and the environment. This goes several ways.

Social entrepreneurship

For example, Fabryk Design launched the Fabryk Works project. In this project, people with disabilities, whether mental or physical, as well as those distant from the labor market, can learn (again) what it is like to work in a real company. Fabryk Werkt’s goal, therefore, is to give its participants a full place in society through work. The beauty of this project is that it is non-profit, leaving room for an individualized, person-centered approach. By doing this, Fabryk Design is thinking about people.

Human, but also environmental

Of course, the environment is not forgotten either. The environment is already taken into account at the beginning of the production process because all raw materials come from the Netherlands. In addition, no large inventory is kept, which in turn benefits the demand for raw materials. Also, all material is inspected by the Forest Stewardship Council, or FSC. The FSC is committed to the conservation and responsible use of forests around the world. There is also room for savings after milling the materials. The leftover pieces are reused to make smaller designs. Should that not be possible, the smaller pieces are collected and recycled.

That is by no means all, however. Staff also contribute to the environment by keeping some simple principles in mind. Turning off the lights in rooms that are not in use or turning the thermostat down in those same rooms, as well as separating the garbage or thinking about whether that printout is really necessary are a few examples.

Saving in the workplace

Further down the road, more saving work was done. Nowhere to go, of course. Even greater gains have been made at the packing table, using over 95% to as much as 98% less plastic. Where previously bubble wrap was used, products like the minis and the tiny’s are now wrapped in tissue paper. The same effect with less impact on the environment.

Plastic tape is also hardly used. The little bit of tape that does get used is mostly paper, which means it can go straight into the paper bin just like the cardboard of the box. Indeed, soon this tape will also be replaced by a stapler, which means that the cardboard boxes with their valuable contents will no longer be sealed with the aforementioned tape.

But even now the saving is not over. After the product is packed and ready for transport, sustainable choices are still made. Transportation is done by companies near Fabryk Design, reducing drive-up times. Smaller packages are shipped locally but customers can also pick up their orders themselves on location. All in all, then, there are significant savings in environmental burdens. Through all this, Fabryk Design dares to say with all pride: Fabryk Design is sustainable design.

FEATURE PHOTO - fabryk-works-hands-flat hands - Nadine 2022