How fun when you are asked to write a blog. Every once in a while I already do that for my
own blog
but when it’s for someone else, it’s totally fun!

It’s me.
My name is Nicole and am known on Instagram as
. I am 39 years young and live with my husband Bas and our two children Charlie & Riley in Lelystad. We have a cat named Mike Wazowski and a guinea pig named Tapas. Our daughter is very good at coming up with cute names.

Our home, we make something beautiful out of it.
The four of us live in a semi-detached house. Which is actually becoming too small for us so we have been looking around for a while for something else. But just find a suitable home together that is to our liking. In this regard, we are quite picky and then the houses that are satisfactory we find too pricey. So we are quietly searching and just trying to make something beautiful out of it.

Inspiration by getting lots of ideas.
By being on Instagram and Pintrest a lot You can get pretty far to give your (too small) home the right layout and solve frustrations. Every day I get ideas and no, not all ideas are well received by my husband. Sometimes I can already hear him sigh and see it on his forehead. Got her again. Hahaha

My favorite place.
Before, I would never have chosen a large corner sofa in a rather small living room, but I must say it looks more spacious and I often can’t get rid of it. Sinking into the corner of the sofa with my phone deliciously scouring the Internet.

My dream house is white! Yes white!
If I could choose, I would prefer to live in a nice big white detached house. White? Yes white! Somehow I always find white houses the most beautiful and so would love to have a white house. A large garage for my husband where he can mess around should not be missing.
I also think a large eat-in kitchen is really wonderful where you can linger after dinner with friends and family. And all this preferably in a rural location with enough space around it.

The beautiful old radio.
In the house we really have a showpiece and that is surely the old radio that belonged to my husband’s grandparents. After years in the attic, it finally got a nice place in the living room. Furthermore, I am also very happy right now with our big IXXI. Surely this is a real eye-catcher. This is also actually the last thing I bought for the house. I had been looking for something different for the wall behind the sofa for a while and this is where I happened to run across it at Loods5(
We don’t buy a lot of large furniture very quickly. I’m more into alternating home accessories. We did the same with our bedside tables and many other pieces of furniture for more than 15 years. Last year, I think we made the most changes in our home. Other wall unit, new sofa and we also got rid of the old coffee table then. The dining room table I refurbished myself. I sanded all the paint off of that and gave the top a fresh lick of paint.

Often I am quickly satisfied with what I purchase and it does last for quite a while.
I am also still very happy with my
wall decal from Fabryk Design
. The Colors matched our wall so nicely, I had to have it. And Yes I am definitely still very happy with it. And say it fits there just fine!