How nice that Fabryk Design asked me to write a blog. Naturally, I immediately climbed into the pen.

My name is Yvette and I have just hopped over the magical mark of 50, but I still feel like a young lady of 25. If I knew then what I know now regarding interior design, I certainly would have made it my profession. But unfortunately, sometimes things turn out differently. I so enjoy making the ideas that bubble up in my head reflected in my interiors, because even on a small budget, it is possible. Indeed that is a real challenge!

My apartment, my rented place.

I have enjoyed living in my apartment “it’s my rented place” for 25 years. The real cozy feeling as far as my home is concerned did take a while to get that back after losing my dear cats (who frolicked around here for almost 13 and 15 years). But fortunately that’s there again. In terms of style, I did spend years searching, but when I bought a new sofa and chair last year, I kind of found my style. Since all my walls in the house have been painted dark, it really is BINGO. Everything fell into place.

Dark colors, a sense of security.

It is very often thought that a dark color makes the room look small, but nothing could be further from the truth. It gives a wonderful sense of security, and sometimes the optic even seems more spacious. In terms of furniture, I’m not quite there yet but I’m pretty much on the right track. Sometimes you do misbuy, but then it’s very nice that something like Marketplace exists. I secretly dream of a beautiful velvet sofa, but a small budget makes it not super convenient. So let’s see if there will be one.

1920s and 30s style

In terms of style, I really like the 20s and 30s, so there won’t be a sleek design here in my house. I don’t participate in trends; I follow my own tastes. It is so important to follow your own feelings, so also in terms of styling, because only in this way ” your home becomes your heaven”. The name I use on Instagram is based on “following my own feelings”: yvys_choice( ) Everything you see on my account is my choice. I post pictures that feel good to me, not to score. Scoring is fun, but that’s not the point for me. I enjoy inspiring people with my account but as I said before, I go by my own feelings.

Sources of inspiration

I get my inspiration from home decorating shows, home decorating magazines and of course by looking inside some of my favorite Instagrammers and scrolling through Instagram. But mostly the inspiration is in my head.

My favorite pieces of furniture

I enjoy living in my apartment but a dream would really be an apartment with a roof terrace (a bit American but with the allure of the 20s/30s).

Since this year, I do have two real favorite pieces of furniture in the house. The new bed frame from Ikea and the velvet “flair” chair from Dutchbone both with the atmosphere of the 20s/30s.

My latest interior design purchase is the large gray porcelain cat and along with the white cat, these are surely my favorite vintage items and often complete the picture.

The black swan is my favorite.

Through Instagram, I discovered Fabrykdesign and fell in love with the beautiful wall circles( I myself have had two beauties here in the house. The image with the geese( I gave to someone at one point because that person absolutely loved it, but the black swan( )really stays on the wall here at home. That black swan is by far my favorite product from Fabryk Design. I am also trying to style this black swan with vintage and new. So mix and match. Follow your own feelings and make your house a home, because that is so important.

Perhaps you have become curious about my cottage so feel free to take a look at my IG account yvys_choice(