The last blog of this year!

Just a whole year of Fabryk Design behind me….. It feels like yesterday that I waved goodbye to my old employer, to start 2017 with my own business full of confidence. It’s a good thing I brought a dose of confidence with me, because in addition to all the high points, there have also been enough moments when I just didn’t know what to do anymore. The moment when your body lets you down and you walk for months with a hernia.  That you are so busy that you don’t remember when you want or can do what. Not being able to sleep because you have multiple projects going on at the same time and deadlines are fast approaching.

It feels so f*cking good!

But despite  everything, I can say I had a wonderful year! A year in which we completed bizarrely beautiful projects, designed new designs, shipped countless orders and started wonderful collaborations!!!  A year in which we met new people, received moving comments,  critical feedback and challenged ourselves. There is no one in the world I have to answer to except myself. And that feels so f*cking good! I never, ever want anything else. The inspiration photos below with our clients and influencers, make me so proud!

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Some things came my way too early, others too late … but we’ll see what 2018 brings! No doubt you can expect us to add many new designs. Both in geometric shapes and customization. We are going to focus even more on FBRK. Lifestyle. What exactly that means we will let it shine through in the coming months 😉 We will continue to vlog, blog and share.  Without you, no FBRK!



I wish you all the very best, but most of all very good health, love and happiness.

Love Esther