Good intentions

Good intentions

The new year is almost 3 weeks old, the time when most good intentions disappear into the closet. What about you? Most good intentions are; Losing weight Move more More in being outdoors Saving money Meeting with family and friends For myself, I add; more time for...
SNURK for horizontal living

SNURK for horizontal living

SNURK for horizontal living Waking up in the morning is not my strong suit; my husband has to call me at least three times before he demonstratively pulls the comforter off me. Rolled up like a little ball, I let myself drift away for a moment longer between the...

October Living Month

Making it cozy in the home After a wonderful summer, okay, also a wet summer, we are retreating back into our homes for the next few months. Time to cocoon! Nature is preparing to let go, and that’s what we need to do more of as well. Taking the throttle back,...
The new spring collection is now online!

The new spring collection is now online!

The new spring collection I was making a tour of the garden this week, in addition to a lot of barren leaves, I saw that the first spring bulbs were bravely doing their best to rise above the ground. This to me is the sign that spring is coming, away with the long...