Autumn is really breaking in now. An ideal time to make it cozy and comfortable in your home and swap your summer accessories for lovely plaids and candles and use warm shades of color in your home.

Autumn stands for coziness!

Candles always do well and instantly bring that cozy and winter atmosphere into your home. So these should definitely not be missed if you want to bring the autumn atmosphere into your home. For example, choose scented tea lights such as vanilla, sandalwood or cinnamon that match the season.

Place several (blunt) candles together on a tray. And make it a nice playful whole. Around this time, there are also plenty of beautiful tea light holders for sale in stores. So shopping!

There are no cozy fall evenings without a plaid! So feel free to get those warm, soft plaids out of the attic again and store them in a nice basket or lay them over your couch. When doing so, combine different materials such as wool, linen, cotton, velvet and different furs. Combine the beautiful material and make it one beautiful autumn ensemble.
The picture is really completed with beautiful pillows in colors that match your interior. Choose warm or natural colors.

Warm tones

When you think of autumn, you quickly think of warm hues such as terracotta, moss green and colors ranging from earthy tones to orange-red and rust brown. These give your home a warm atmosphere and make it very cozy. So add fun accessories in these warm fall colors. Think beautiful winter cards that you hang in a group together.

Style a bunch of dried flowers in a pretty vase or purchase some pretty fall decorations.

Of course, pumpkins are not to be missed. For example, decorate a pretty pot or bowl with moss and various pumpkins or style them nicely on a tray. Pumpkins are also very nice by the front door or on your outdoor table, of course!

Want to go a little bigger. A lovely rug works wonders. But painting a wall in the living room also has a great effect.

Budget DIY

During a fresh forest walk, collect (many) beautiful red autumn leaves that have fallen to the ground. Of course, you can’t leave out the (tame) chestnuts either. Then you have something fun to do on a rainy Sunday.

Make an autumn wreath from dried autumn leaves. Thread them on a metal ring and hang it in the living room and place the chestnuts in a pretty bowl on the table.

Last but not least

Nothing like sipping a nice cup of tea or fresh chocolate milk in the evening, turning on all the candles and buying cute home decor items online from under your warm plaid.

In connection with October Living Month, we have great discounts and promotions in our webshop. So take a quick look at Fabryk Design!

“Buy now or cry later”




-x- Patricia