There’s a lot going on at Fabryk’s place!  

We have outgrown our space and that means time for change!


                                                      The building where we will settle!


When we were at the Chamber of Commerce in July 2016 to register Fabryk  we were informed that  “decoration sector” was not the easiest.

“There are already numerous web shops in this area Ms.”

Yes we know that, but we are going to do something different. Something with wood and wall decoration, geometric shapes and such … and also a piece of custom work with wood and metal.

I can still see the lady behind the desk looking at me in despair. She must have thought, there’s another one.

For the first six months of Fabryk, I kept my job as a floor manager in a clothing store. But it soon became apparent that it was no longer combinable. With pain in my heart, because I had a really nice job in fashion.  A leap of faith, no steady income,  no colleagues, almost no start-up capital but a head full of ideas and ambitions.

Together with Suzan Graafstra of Hervad Media the first lines were laid out. A foundation for a site and webshop. Photo shoots, writing texts a having flyers made.  The first steps had been taken! The first market was in Hemelum, with still mostly decorations from wholesalers. Slow is our own label FBRK. start to grow and now you will only find products designed by us.  The geometric animals turned out to be a hit!  So looking for suppliers,  the geometric figures are not made with a jigsaw as is often thought.  For this you work with special machines  such as lasers and CNCs.  We found suitable parties who could run our productions.

Even more production

Demand  for more customization continued to grow, so in the spring we decided to start producing our collections entirely in-house. A great machine was built for us completely tailored to our needs. The men went on a course, and after several weeks of trying out and making samples, Fabryk is now a real Factory.

Expanding is nice, but now we are a little cramped….. Stock, machinery, packing materials, showroom and office space.  We are dragging orders from place to place, which is not ideal.

Our search began, because ideally we do want to live in a cool old building in a factory atmosphere. Through word of mouth we were pointed to the old dairy in Donkerbroek. With jitters in my belly, we started looking. I instantly fell in love.  You have to look through it, the landlord told me. Uhu, I could totally see it! A workshop full of white tiles, old doors, windows and different heights.

The contracts have been signed and we  have gotten down to business! We do have a few more weeks of substantial work, but then we hope to be able to go over.  Spacious office space, inspiration rooms and a workshop. Everything under one roof!

getting started!

This coming Monday, the interns will start their internship period at Fabryk. It is fun to work with fresh young students. Of course, their knowledge and expertise comes in handy during the design phases. They learn from us, and vice versa! In addition, Janique Gorter works as an illustrator on very cool designs that we present on an ongoing basis. The last gem is the swallow!

With still a head full of ideas and ambition, we continue to work on Fabryk;  cause we work, create and believe in the magic of Fabryk Design.

Happy weekend!

Love Esther