What can i say…… Fabryk is up to speed!

The train that thunders on and on!!! I cannot put into words how incredibly proud I am that the Netherlands – and beyond! Yep, this week order went to 5 European countries – our geometric animals are discovering! The Bull proved to be the most popular, followed closely by the hummingbird and the deer. The most frequently chosen finish is Bronze metallic but the Nordic Blue is also becoming increasingly ordered!

It’s hard work,  coloring the geos, letting them dry, and carefully wrapping them a few hours later. Always with a handwritten card, because I so enjoy thanking you personally. By now it has truly become a family business, with the kids helping out to the best of their ability. Brent regularly grabs a sandpaper and Elise knows exactly what operations are involved in packing your orders. Folding boxes, packing slips on them, etc. A well-oiled fabryk you might say.

Autumn trends

The last days of vacation for the children are ticking away, starting next week it will be rhythm and regularity again. Fair is fair, this mom is ready for that too. I do believe that structure is best for all of us. The past six weeks have flown by again. With some hand-holding from family and friends, Fabryk has also been able to keep going. Then suddenly it’s Sept. 1, the RRRR is back in the month and I find that already in the morning it can smell so autumnal outside. There are more and more leaves in the garden which suggests that autumn will soon make its appearance. Fair? I don’t have to think about it yet!  Summer was and is far too short for me. The upside is that we will soon be crawling back on the couch. Pinterest on the Ipad and getting inspiration for the upcoming season. You see the colors ochre, green, petrol blue coming back a lot. Just like the velour-like fabrics that make your pillows and – yay! – curtains also give a cosy feeling. In combo with wood and metal, you can create a home with a happy mood in no time.

We are also launching some new products soon! Curious? Keep following us! Have you seen our monkey and French bulldog passing by on Facebook? The French Bulldog is so new, it is not even available in the shop yet, that will follow soon.

The “raw” photos of both products, aren’t they gorgeous!

Geometric winning

We want to celebrate this fantastic month of August with you, which is why we are giving away our bestseller to one of our followers, namely the great Bull. Would you like to win these? You can! What to do. Fill out the form below and follow us on Facebook. The winner will be announced on Friday, Sept. 15!

[mc4wp_form id=”2803″]

Love Esther