A thirty-something’s dilemma

Around age 30 things started to itch, say one of those thirty-something crises.  The restless feeling of is this it? Married, big house, steady job and few or no issues in life (Thank God!)  In itself a  happy life, but it made me restless!  Always that little voice in the back of my head saying, if I want something now is the time for it.

The years from age 21 to 28 had been pretty tumultuous, Sytze and I had only been in a relationship for a few months when the love of my life had an accident.  He fell 8 meters down and had broken everything that could be broken. Not only that, scans revealed that he had also suffered a serious brain injury .Like a thunderclap, your whole world is turned upside down. The ground literally sinks from under your feet. Even now,  after 10 years it still hurts when you think about it.

Turbulent intense weeks

At that moment I was on vacation with my sisters and mother in Mallorca, we had been there just 1 day when my father called: “Sytze had an accident han and t lieket net best”. I will never forget those words. At night I was on the plane back home, not knowing if he was still alive….

After tumultuous intense weeks, four of which he spent in a coma, there was hope on the horizon.  He moved his legs and began to respond to pain stimuli. Would it! The doctors and nurses dared not give hope; all you long for at such a time is confirmation from the doctors.  You don’t get it, which I also understand but then mind and feeling are really two different things.

It may truly be called a miracle that he recovered 93%! After weeks of intensive therapy, rehabilitation and unstoppable perseverance, he is who he is. My love, heir to our children and friend to many. I deliberately say 93%, because you never quite get back to your old self after such an event. Physically he has bizarrely little left of it, only his smell is gone but that is manageable. After 3 years, all pins and other structures have already been removed from his back.  He has also recovered mentally, however, short-term memory will always be a “thingy.”

House – tree – child

Now that we had already been through so much in such a short time, we could live together. In rapid succession we started building the future, literally! House demolished to rebuild a new one in the same beautiful spot.  In between building the house, Elise was born, In 2010 we got married and in August 2011 Brent completed our family.

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Yes and then you would think… So I thought the same thing around age 30.  As written in a previous blog, the whole FBRK started. Adventure with a wooden bench. And see now!  Every month we launch new products: Posters, bracelets and now gift tins for the last day of school, among others. The first year has flown by! By trial and error, meeting new people and sadly saying goodbye to others.  Making plans for the coming year and hopefully many more to come.

And he who has a birthday treat! To celebrate all these anniversaries with you, we are giving away no less than 4 amazing gifts!  Among others, the bull, the super statement for in everyone’s interior, a poster from the nature collection. A bracelet with text of your choice and online styling advice for your interior!  You can participate in the FBRK. Prize carousel by signing up below.

I wish you the best of luck and next Friday we will announce the prize winners!

Love Esther

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