There are so many beautiful interior design items for sale that I sometimes catch myself wanting everything. On top of that, I like different styles, so it happens regularly that I find my interior too busy. In this blog, I give tips to make sure your interior stays peaceful.

Color use

Many different colors in your interior create unrest. But an interior without color, especially in spring and summer, is also so boring. Still, when the sun shows its face a bit again, you often see more color appear in your home. Then choose 1, at most 2 colors as an accent color. If you go for 2 colors, make sure they match well. So for example, yellow and green or gray and pink.


If you do like multiple colors, choose a painting with a lot of color, for example, and make sure you use 1 or 2 of those colors in your accessories.



Then, of course, you always have things that well have a lot of color, such as toys, kitchen stuff and books. When doing so, make sure you have enough storage materials or that you group them as much as possible (bookcase) or sort them by color. Toys are easily stored in a large chest and you can keep your countertop quiet by creating a nice corner.



Not something has to be everywhere

A bare wall contrasted with other walls where color has been used or furniture is placed against it has a very calming effect. But even a dining room table without accessories, but with beautiful lamps above it, can be enough.

Grouping accessories

Do you, like me, love beautiful accessories and knickknacks? Then make sure they are not scattered all over the house. Not something has to be everywhere, as I said.

To display my finds, I bought an open-shelf steel cabinet. Placing it against a white wall makes the accessories stand out even more. In this closet I can vary endlessly and often work with the principle, “something new in, then something goes out.” I matched the color in the closet and also thought about the materials.

Many small accessories together gives a cluttered effect. So rather choose larger objects or group the smaller accessories together.



The niche in our brickwall also lends itself well to putting or hanging knickknacks.


If you still want just a little more storage space in your closet, choose this baker’s cabinet with doors, for example.

Patterns and prints

Don’t mix too many different patterns in 1 space. Have a rug with a (busy) print? Then keep the cushions on the sofa plain, but right back in the shades of the rug.


Unity in material use

In my previous blog on steel in your interior, I talked about the power of repetition. Again, you create more peace in your interior by working with the same material, for example, the same color of steel or the same type of wood.

Fabryk items:

Baker’s Cupboard
Fabryk Lamps
Geometric bicycle