Fabryk Fabryk Fabryk…. Everything in me breathes Fabryk Design.

I get up with it and go to bed with it, it’s the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing when I go to sleep. Call it inspired or crazy, or maybe both. But like (I think) every entrepreneur, you have those moments where you wonder, What the F*ck am I doing?

Early in the morning, packed like a polar bear, sanding and painting in the workshop, only to visit a customer all dressed up in the afternoon. Administration remains for the evening and Sunday morning. That way, before you know it, you’re working 24/7. Does it feel like work, not by a long shot. I still get energy from it and it gives me tremendous satisfaction. The beautiful products that leave our workshop, the sweet emails and messages from happy customers. Every package leaving that door…But in the end, money has to be made to keep things running. Jokingly, when we get up in the morning, we say to each other: Der ut, de wein moat rolje (the wagon must roll again 😉


Money money money, it’s so funny in a rich man’s World

As we grow and expand, some things come into play financially, large amounts of inventory, paint, materials and personnel costs. Not to mention insurance and marketing hitches. All of a sudden you become a real business and the hobbyism is gone. Holy moly what responsibilities are suddenly thrown in your lap. Definitely Interesting aspects of running a business, but also one where I still have plenty to learn!

Is the workday already over?

Of course I can outsource some things, and I am getting better at that. So we have gradually gathered a team of specialists around us. Because in order to let the creative processes flow, I do need space. I cannot create a new design on command. This takes time and I don’t always have it. Because when all mail has been answered, invoices have been processed, all social media channels have been updated, contacts with suppliers have been maintained and the necessary phone calls have been made, the clock is creeping towards the end of the afternoon. Not to mention the orders that have to be shipped at least 3 times a week. Yes, then I sometimes think….. is this what I wanted? These are definitely the tricky moments not to lose focus.

Reality check

I knew a year ago that I could do it and that I wanted to. If I could do it over I would still have made the same choice with 1000%. Fabryk is my 3rd child, it is in my blood and I nurture it with love. Feeling it, I come to a choice moment again like a year and a half ago. How will we continue to set up Fabryk Design. Will I/we keep doing everything ourselves, will I outsource more. Are we going to produce even bigger, are we going to serve other channels in the market, how are we going to manage everything? Then again, the door of uncertainty is ajar…..

To map everything out properly, I started with a tour of companies. Potential suppliers, stores and designers. Which ones do I want to work with, where are opportunities and how do we make the most of them. And let that make me very happy. On tour in my car crossing the country with the sun on the window and Mumfords & Sons blaring from the speakers. Meeting people, sharing the same passion for your craft and forging plans!

I think I have already started the next step!

Enjoy the weekend!

Love Esther