I sit at breakfast in the Carlton hotel, flip open my laptop to answer some more emails. Meanwhile, the room is filled by others also searching for a spot in the breakfast room.  Judging from what I see, they are mostly business people. Left and right people are wishing good morning and I smile back kindly. Meanwhile, I get a call and while walking and talking I get another cup of coffee. Once back at my little table, I let my thoughts drift for a moment.

What a contrast to 8 years ago

I think of a moment about 8 years ago, I was 25 and ready for a new challenge. I applied for a job as an intermediary/administrative assistant at a staffing organization. At that time, I did not have the right papers, but with a smooth talk and the right motivation, I managed to convince the manager of my qualities.

I worked on location at a large insurance company. Beautiful view from the 15th floor, good conditions and ditto salary. But god how unhappy I was….I didn’t belong because I had no HR background. Not in possession of the right papers so automatically unsuitable. When I enthusiastically asked questions, they were either not answered or only half answered,  because it wasn’t relevant in my position anyway. The feeling of just not belonging somewhere is terrible. Over dinner with the department, I was done with it. I quit and that same night I quit my job.  Thick Bye! Find out…

back in the here and now

Back to the here and now again, sitting there in Utrecht at breakfast.  I make a few more arrangements and get ready for training day. I am taking a course throughout 2018 which is about personal development focused on entrepreneurs. And here again today I am going to present my latest plan.

Namely, the start of a 
FBRK day care
. Because nothing is more frustrating than not belonging somewhere, with us you get the space and the right guidance. Because I want everyone to feel heard and seen. Where people distant from the labor market have the opportunity to develop themselves or gain work experience. Everyone is a link in the chain that leads to a new product. Whether you are the creator, or the wrapper. Providing structure, care and fun is my personal new challenge for 2019.

We are the started to gather the right people around us. There is still a lot involved and we really don’t underestimate it either. The  is a fantastic next step that I will follow with all my heart.