Spring at Fabryk!
Suddenly it is spring, birds are busy nesting and flying off and on. You also notice it in the shop, it is a lot quieter than on a rainy day. Makes sense too, with these gifts from nature you’d much rather be outside! The saying is not for nothing; Women bare, business dead. The only ones busy nesting are the birds in the garden.

a blackbird is nesting in the hedge right in front of my office
It also gives me some time to catch my breath and work out our next steps. As you read in an earlier blog, we worked with Nadine de Ruiter to take beautiful photos at Felida, the tiger sanctuary in Nijeberkoop. The first samples have arrived and the results are beautiful. Within now and a few weeks, we hope to present the entire collection! On postcards, posters and more!
In addition to the tigers, we also shot in the style of the Peaky Blinders, my absolute favorite series on Netflix. Those who do not know it, a real must see! ( For female readers: Tommy Shelby alone is well worth the effort alone! ) These photos are now being fine-tuned and then given space within FBRK.
A new design saw the light of day!
A new geometric design, the Stern, has been launched. A beautiful seabird that exudes speed and power. It is a valuable addition to our growing collection of geometric shapes. There is also a series of posters with vintage atmosphere and look. Our idea lists are far from finished, so more fun stuff is coming!

The tern, the jewel of FBRK!
So what am I doing during the extra hours?
Last Tuesday afternoon Nadine called, the blossom trees are in bloom!!! Would you like to be a guinea pig? Uh now? Right now? Yes! Okay, a quick makeup check and on to the blossom trees! So wonderful that there is also time for spontaneous actions like this now!

Like a dot among the blossoms!
Run baby run!
In the evening my youngest sister agreed to go running, after a perfect lap we decided to add another walk on the back of it. Somewhere it went wrong, missed turn I guess. After 16 kilometers and two hours later, we were back at the car. I can still feel the muscle pain now.

and off we gooo!
On Wednesday afternoon , I decided that I was going to get plants for the vegetable garden. If anything is relaxing for me it is tinkering in the garden. I usually just do whatever, every year something changes, or something is added. For example, Sytze made me a very large vegetable garden box on stilts. That way I don’t have to work continuously near the ground. So nice!
That’s bad luck, car gone….
That same afternoon I smashed up my car, fortunately we and also the oncoming driver had only substantial collision damage. The shock was well in the air, and now that everything has settled down a bit, I’m glad we can say that it was only collision damage. It was what you call a real accident, both the other driver and I hadn’t noticed each other and then boom ho.
And so before you know it, it’s already Friday, It was a nice week despite the car accident, we were able to work well and also enjoy the sunshine!
Even pip seeks coolness in the office 😉 dog’s life!
Enjoy your weekend!
X Esther