Students at Fabryk Design

At Fabryk Design, we have enjoyed working with students from various courses since the founding of our company. Not just internships or graduate studies but certainly for the knowledge they bring. Students take a fresh look at your business and are happy to apply the knowledge they have learned in practice. On the contrary, we teach students to cooperate, work with deadlines and work on your personal development.

Only the very best are welcome

It sounds a tad arrogant, but Fabryk Design invests a lot of time, money and guidance in its students. Not for nothing have we been voted the best training company in Friesland” We carefully assess every request for an internship, and as it is in “normal” business life, they are invited for an introductory interview.

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At Fabryk Design, students really work with the company. Thus, they learn all facets of the company appropriate to their education. The assignments they work on are very diverse, this can be designing a new collection, or optimizing existing products. Our goal is always to teach them the right skills that will benefit them later, after their studies.


Motivated students are given every opportunity within the company to explore their employee skills. That also means a lot of freedom in carrying out their assignments. We, the internship supervisors are not their teachers, but their motivators. With questions or suggestions, we are always there for them and guide them in the process toward independence. Some students can deal with this better than others. With weekly conversations, we try to bring out the best in the student. Experience shows that many students like to come back for a second internship!

Learning from each other

The student learns practical work, and we learn the latest skills! All theoretical knowledge is still fresh in their minds and they are eager to apply this knowledge. In turn, we learn from that as well. Each student has their own internship supervisor who they can go to with questions and for evaluations. The internship supervisors also attend meetings with mentors from school.

Dealing with feedback

Where work is done, mistakes are also made. And this is not bad at all! Because it is precisely from making mistakes that you learn. Therefore, we always try to convert the very feedback into a learning or development point. Because learning something in theory does not mean it will always work in practice. It is up to us to guide the student in this.

Personal development

Completing an assignment to a success is wonderful, But what we think is just as important is the road to it. What did you run into in the process, what did you find difficult? Weekly we have a student meeting with all the interns. During this consultation we discuss the progress of the assignments they are working on. During the consultation, there is ample room for questions and suggestions. This is how we try to bring out the best in each other.

Fabryk Works

Suddenly you are working in a bustling company where all sorts of things are happening. We can very well imagine that the first few weeks take an awful lot of getting used to. You are suddenly dealing with colleagues and fellow students as well as Fabryk Works. Fabryk Werkt is our social branch of Fabryk Design, participants with mental health, intellectual or physical disabilities work within the safe walls of Fabryk Design. You learn an awful lot from this too, because how do you deal with people with disabilities? In this, too, you are given tools, but above all it is extremely instructive to deal with various people. You will all take this valuable knowledge and experience in your backpack for the future.

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Working independently

As I wrote earlier, we are not a master or a teacher. You will be given an awful lot of freedom to make your internship a top time. For some, dealing with this freedom is quite difficult. Fortunately, you can always call on your colleagues or internship supervisor. We help you plan and during weekly meetings we discuss the progress of your project.

What if things don’t go well at the internship?

It does not happen often, but sometimes it turns out that we are not a good match. Because Fabryk Design has high standards for its students, there are also expectations. Always within the framework and educational level of the training). If after a number of conversations it appears that we have to break off the internship period early, this is always done in consultation with the student, his or her mentor and the internship supervisor.

What do we expect from the student?

What we find most important is the will to learn. Taking responsibility for his or her own assignments, and having respect for the people and materials you work with. With the right mindset, an internship at Fabryk Design is a great experience!