You probably have them too, good intentions. Maybe lose a few pounds, meet up with friends more often, spend less or more money. So at the beginning of the new year, it does feel a bit like all options are open again. That this is THE time to get started! That this is THE moment, I took super literally.

Over the Christmas vacations started to clean up, clutter leaves, the entire basement, office and workshop. Two cars full for recycling, 1 car full for landfill. Hoppa action! Literally creating space to give new development room. 101 notebooks, papers with illegible scribbles. Have a booklet in each bag for inspiration and to-do lists. Usually when I’ve written something down I don’t forget it. But so in the meantime there are a lot of loose scribbles everywhere. No longer needed? In the paper bin. New year, new round & new opportunities.

2017 was already a special one, but in 2018 we are going all out!!! Being too busy to exercise is out of the question. Spending 60 to 70 hours a week on your business, but not being able to set aside an hour to work on your body (and members). After two hernias and peritonitis, my fitness was well below freezing, however, the pounds were well above NAP. Last Tuesday, therefore, I signed up again at my familiar gym. The gym where I’ve always trained in recent years. What a nice reunion with old acquaintances. And what a cliché, but how FINE it was! Eat healthy and consciously, exercise, get some fresh air more often and leave the wine out a little more often!


In late 2017, there were opportunities to jointly start an off-site office. After much deliberation, I still chose to work from my own (fine) office for the next year. Therefore, an additional workplace was also created here for the intern who will start in February. I also now have extra space for consultation with the stylists. Together with Suzan we set up some action items for the coming year, my ambitions are great!!! We have again crumbled the action items into smaller chunks to make them more manageable. You have already seen the first one! Two brand new designs are added! A beautiful butterfly and a magnificent heart, which seems to emerge from the wall almost 3D due to its shape. What else is in the pipeline I will have to keep secret for a while!

On a personal level, I am also committed to growth! I signed myself up for a fantastic year program. In this, I hope to learn to focus on the really important things to grow my business. The great thing about writing it down is that you are all my witnesses in this one! I now have an extra incentive to make the plans come true. Tell me, do you also have an action list for the coming year with plans and goals? No matter how big or small, I am already looking forward to grabbing the list and being able to check it off with a big red marker on December 31, 2018!

Enjoy the weekend!

Love Esther