Our TV debut is a reality!

For the last time the duster over it, check! Children and dog banned, check! Last messes tucked away in drawers, check! Laundry on the side (read dumped in the laundry basket) check! Garden in front and back neat, check! Coffee runs…. Check! Ready? Take one!

What a day it was Monday, the entire crew of Binnenstebuiten on the floor! After going over the script and pouring a lot of coffee, my nerves were racing. The first shot went a bit jerky and bumpy. With some delicious slips of the tongue and not being able to get out of words, the nerves slowly subsided….. Then we went like a rocket!

Suzan also stopped by to take a backstage sneak peek and of course there are images of that. It will air in November, I will keep you posted with the final date.

Love Esther