ushering in the weekend!
pffiew busy week…with a glass of wine and some goodies on the table we chat. With bags under my eyes from fatigue. Well nice this way, a “free mibo” with a friend. In my favorite outfit, sweatpants and sweater, nice and relaxed and 100% yourself with no frills.
Have you had many orders she asks? Uh, yes by and large I know what went out this week. I see the numbers, and the orders coming in. But I don’t know down to the product level what goes out. I am focusing more and more on other things within the company. Really? So what do you actually do? I always see that you are busy, but no idea what you are actually doing!
Pretty funny, I get this question more and more often. Noticed and unnoticed, the roles within Fabryk are changing. Enthusiastically, I explain what I am doing. Whereas last year I was also waxing and wrapping myself in the barn, my work week mainly takes place in the office and on the road. I’m not really busy with anything but the growth of Fabryk and how we can make it happen. But also how to use the processes so efficiently and keep our customer satisfaction high. Earlier I talked about the ambitions I have with Fabryk . And for this one to succeed, I set myself a few goals.
What does my week look like?
I do my best to organize my week as practically as possible, Every morning the mail is checked. Where we can, we respond immediately, others end up in folders because something needs to be figured out. Invoices, administration, etc. Meanwhile, a time-consuming job. Fortunately, I don’t have to do this all by myself. I save all of these for 1 moment during the week. Because in the mornings my mind is sharpest ( well after 3 coffee) So then I tackle other things more sweetly. That starts on Monday morning, I check last week’s numbers. Update the turnover lists so that even our employees know how many orders we had, and what the best sellers of the week were. Then I usually have a short consultation with Niels,( SEO specialist) which products do we want to highlight extra or deserve more attention. I also do this same thing with Marijke. ( my VA, virtual assistant) We work with a long-term schedule for our socials but post different content every day. With our designers we are in contact every week and usually speak face to face once a month.
I have a “Long list 2do” list in my office. Anything that doesn’t need to be picked up right away I write on this. This could be anything. Mostly topics that I want to delve further into but have no prio right now. I then try to have these turned off within 4 weeks. This could be anything, an article or docu I finally want to read or watch, but also actively engage with LinkedInn.
Efficiency and challenges
Another of my jobs is to make sure that everyone can work as efficiently as possible; I jump in on needs of our customers and employees. Because we have not been working in the plant for very long, we regularly run into areas for improvement. What is within my capabilities I pick up! I also try to schedule most appointments in the afternoon so I can use the morning to put my creativity to use.
Surely the biggest challenges in recent weeks have been setting out the day care business, generating broader sales channels and finding new interns. This is not without friction. Surely one of my credos lately has been : No shine without friction. Writing out plans, calculating margins and forecasts. Providing input for a new website for FBRK-Werkt!, appointments with consultants and accountants. And no, it’s not all happening from a slate. Every now and then I get the lid rock hard back on nose. Then it’s a matter of cashing in, and finding another better, smarter, inventive way!
Because that is what I do think is really cool about entrepreneurship, using your creativity where you can! as soon as something feels uncomfortable it actually means you are learning something. It just needs to permeate your system. Now I recognize that, previously I didn’t. I learn so incredibly much every day! From our customers, from the industry we are in, from our team but also from conversations with other entrepreneurs.
Looking back through my “wild ideas” notebooks, I see that quite a few have made it to the finish line. But a lot of them don’t either! This is something I know, but the outside world does not. So it is really not the case that every idea turns out to be a golden opportunity. Speaking of wild idea booklets, I have quite a collection of them. I always start out very structured, each booklet its own theme. But it usually doesn’t take long for everything to get mixed up again. Oh well, I like a little chaos around me. As long as I understand my own system. Because in the end, that’s what it’s all about. So you will often see me with a notebook in my hand.
I am a writer, ranging from loose notes to extensive reports. Once I’ve written something down I don’t forget it. And I like to read back every now and then, ( if I can still decipher it) during conversations I like to take notes, and during phone calls you will often see me drawing a picture. Something I’ve been doing since childhood. Actually, they are always floral and dashing scribbles. I’ll have to look up if that has any significance!
In my communication I am open and honest, so also on my blogs. I don’t like to keep up appearances. Fabryk is my baby, my product and my company. And it’s not always just hallelujah and see me be great. Without our team I am nowhere, and without our customers even less so. My whole heart and soul is in Fabryk. And I want to share that energy! The blogs I write are partly to inspire, but also for my own reference. The growth from 1 to 2 companies, the expansions into the corporate market,… I would love to take you through our entrepreneurial adventure!