5 years of business

5 years of business After 5 years in business, I know that it is very important to have a nice network around you. Although I should immediately add that I am definitely not the type of networking groups and meetings, I forget my business cards by default and am not...
Oh what a year! With Fabryk Design on to 2022!

Oh what a year! With Fabryk Design on to 2022!

Oh what a year! What a year, what a year…. Both in business and in our private lives we have not been idle, a move from Makkinga to beautiful Bakkeveen meant a lot to us. Building a new life in my childhood home seemed easier said than done, after all, you leave...

5 years and counting

5 years and counting The first five years are over, what a special anniversary this is! Fabryk’s beginnings are still fresh in our memories and yet so much has already changed in recent years. We have experienced tremendous growth, and since the beginning I have...