This was it! The last day of internship at Fabryk

This then is the end of my internship…. Last but not least…   But do not grieve because after the vacations I will return to intern again and then for 20 weeks. But first, back to school until summer vacation and then I’ll get back on with...

That was it, 2018!

On to 2019! Every year I write a letter to myself, a letter outlining my intentions for the coming year. It’s nice to read that letter back every once in a while, to see where we stand and if I’m still living up to my intentions. A good reflection on...

Focus! Hocus pocus FBRK. Lifestyle

“It wasn’t just storming outside!” It was quite a week. So we fell from sweltering heat and chicken pox into a summer storm in no time. It not only stormed outside, but it stormed inside me. Ideas tumble over each other, one more grandiose than the...