October Living Month

Making it cozy in the home After a wonderful summer, okay, also a wet summer, we are retreating back into our homes for the next few months. Time to cocoon! Nature is preparing to let go, and that’s what we need to do more of as well. Taking the throttle back,...

Inside look at Sweetheart House

Inside look at Sweetheart House Hi, my name is Merel Sanders and you can find me under my Instagram account: liefstehuisje. In addition, I live with my boyfriend Andy and our two sons Noah and Zev in Lent, a village near Nijmegen. We also have two cats who are part of...
The new spring collection is now online!

The new spring collection is now online!

The new spring collection I was making a tour of the garden this week, in addition to a lot of barren leaves, I saw that the first spring bulbs were bravely doing their best to rise above the ground. This to me is the sign that spring is coming, away with the long...

Christmas tree out Fabryk in!

Christmas tree out Fabryk in We leave the old year behind, it’s January! Maybe you have good resolutions, want to lose a few pounds or finally have money left over at the end of the month, take better care of yourself and exercise more. For some, January is a...
Inside look at Fabryk Werkt

Inside look at Fabryk Werkt

Inside look at Fabryk Werkt Welcome and nice of you to come and “look inside” Fabryk Werkt!I will take you step by step through our beautiful studio. We start downstairs and then we continue upstairs. The Creative Studio Downstairs is the canteen with a...