Why FBRK. For me is an addition to my life!

Hello all! Marijke here. You must have seen my name come up many times. In fact, I have been managing Fabryk Design’s social media accounts, including Instagram, since June 14, 2018. How is my work for FBRK. started? I can still see myself sitting there....

Fabryk’s (party) week!

Thus a “normal working day” really began quite differently!Unsuspecting, I drove to the fabryk Wednesday morning as usual, my head already on the day’s appointments and everything I wanted and needed to take care of today. Three appointments in the...

What do you do all day?

ushering in the weekend! pffiew busy week…with a glass of wine and some goodies on the table we chat. With bags under my eyes from fatigue. Well nice this way,  a “free mibo” with a friend. In my favorite outfit, sweatpants and sweater, nice and...