Styling tips from Living by Es

The Geometric Hummingbird in the home of @wonenbyes My very first blog and secretly I’m excited about it… Let’s give it a try! Before I begin, let me briefly tell you something about myself. I am Esther Kuipers, 32 years old and live in Haarlem with...

Participants FBRK. Carousel Attention!

Drum roll! Today is the big day where the award winners of the FBRK. Prizes Carousel to be announced. How many entries we received, thank you for your enthusiasm! So I’m super excited to make 4 lucky FBRK-ers happy with their prize. In the vlog you will see who...

Focus! Hocus pocus FBRK. Lifestyle

“It wasn’t just storming outside!” It was quite a week. So we fell from sweltering heat and chicken pox into a summer storm in no time. It not only stormed outside, but it stormed inside me. Ideas tumble over each other, one more grandiose than the...

The week of restyling!

Inside Makkinga Next Monday we will have a film crew over for the program BinnensteBuiten, how cool is that! So that means a whole week of running, jumping and flying, because everything has to be tidy and clean. So my week began with planning all the projects that...

Spring in my step! Do you recognize that too?

Suddenly I see them everywhere, cobwebs! Dust clouds under the couch and a thick layer of dust on the baseboards. That requires more than a duster. Armed with a big bucket of suds, I set to work like a veritable Mien Dobbelsteen. Uptempo playlist selected on Spotify...

Doubts at Fabryk Design

“Wow, you’re really in the flow aren’t you!” I see nothing but cool things passing by, respect! Just giving up your steady job to make your hobby your profession. I wish I could! Uhu… I usually just let it go, smile a little and confirm...

Enterprising plodding mother

Monday morning, 7 a.m.: Mom, Brent has the chicken pox! I subject his back to a thorough inspection, hoping his sister is wrong.  I note a few teeny tiny red spots: does it itch? Does it itch? Do you have any more spots? “Nah, not too bad…” is...