Fabryk’s (party) week!

Thus a “normal working day” really began quite differently!Unsuspecting, I drove to the fabryk Wednesday morning as usual, my head already on the day’s appointments and everything I wanted and needed to take care of today. Three appointments in the...

And then the internship at Fabryk was over….

As a “relatively young” entrepreneur, I know better than anyone else that it is precisely in your internships that you can gain a tremendous amount of work experience and self-confidence.  Supervising interns is not only a lot of fun to do, you get a...

I’ll take you to the Fabryk!

Are you guys open yet? A common question in recent weeks. No not yet, we are still hard at work. Busy is actually my allergy word; I prefer to call it productive. That sounds so much more positive than “busy”  But right now I do say busy, because it...

Spring at FBRK!

Spring at Fabryk! Suddenly it is spring, birds are busy nesting and flying off and on. You also notice it in the shop, it is a lot quieter than on a rainy day.  Makes sense too, with these gifts from nature you’d much rather be outside! The saying is not...

FBRK Adolescents turn off!

Spring break, and two children aged 10 and 7 are hanging out on the couch more dead than alive. What are you going to do today? We are chilling… Well have fun chilling then, I am going to work. When I get home later, will you at least clean up a bit and make...

How to move forward?

Fabryk Fabryk Fabryk…. Everything in me breathes Fabryk Design. I get up with it and go to bed with it, it’s the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing when I go to sleep. Call it inspired or crazy, or maybe both. But like (I...