A roadblock on the way

Like a man possessed, I am at work. Goals for 2019, goals for 2020, 5-year plan. To look ahead is to rule, or was it just the other way around? Sweat breaks out in me, glowing cheeks and fingers flying across the keyboard at lightning speed. Growth, margins, cash...

The week of Fabryk!

And if it was a week, I’ll take you up on it!   So we took pictures of critters, lots of different critters! Nadine de Ruiter Photography and I have a joint project.  This adventure began at the tiger sanctuary in Oldeberkoop. But as is often the case...

That was it, 2018!

On to 2019! Every year I write a letter to myself, a letter outlining my intentions for the coming year. It’s nice to read that letter back every once in a while, to see where we stand and if I’m still living up to my intentions. A good reflection on...

The Woman[en] adventure!

The Woman adventure is behind us…. A tight schedule, lots of arranging, brain dumps, working long evenings, building stands, dragging and lugging, even more arranging, eating out and drinking wine at Jan and Geeske’s kitchen table. Combining hard work with...

I have n very tough life, really very tough….

Keep calm… Nothing wrong with that, but I’m currently wallowing in self-pity…. Day 4 I threw the cigarettes aside. Was I done with it? No actually not, because I like every cigarette. I know it’s bad, costs a lot of money, you stink it’s...

What do you do all day?

ushering in the weekend! pffiew busy week…with a glass of wine and some goodies on the table we chat. With bags under my eyes from fatigue. Well nice this way,  a “free mibo” with a friend. In my favorite outfit, sweatpants and sweater, nice and...

Motivation is a Superpower!

I sit at breakfast in the Carlton hotel, flip open my laptop to answer some more emails. Meanwhile, the room is filled by others also searching for a spot in the breakfast room.  Judging from what I see, they are mostly business people. Left and right people are...

Our new addition | FBRK. Intern!

Erwin introduces himself My name is Erwin de Vries, 21 years young and I live nice and close by namely in Jubbega. Since February 12, I can call myself an intern at Fabryk Design. The course I am taking is Interior Design at Friesland College in Leeuwarden. Here I am...